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Seluga is running 3 copies of Royal Decree and some of my tips could involve traps. Be careful and include some spell/trap destruction for that.

Since Seluga is running many Special Summon cards, having cards that counter Special Summoning, summoning in general, and field control are good.

Cards to consider for this strategy: Bottomless Trap Hole, Royal Oppression, Torrential Tribute, Kaiser Colosseum, Ojama Trio, Ground Collapse, etc.

You could also try a monster negation strategy: Skill Drain, Beast King Barbaros, A Cat of Ill Omen, Chainsaw Insect, etc.

Then anti-LIGHT: Light-Imprisoning Mirror, Leeching the Light, any Ally of Justice monsters, etc.

But if these didn't work or you don't think they will, a stall/burn deck is always viable. Use the Blaze of Destruction structure deck as a base and fill it with other Reduce Life Points and Restrict Attack cards.

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