Bane of Arthropods will kill Spiders, and Cave Spiders fasyer than any other Enchantment!
bane of arthropods does extra damage to spiders, cave spiders, and silverfish
Bane of Arthropods deals extra damage to “arthropod” mobs only (a.k.a spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites) and each level deals two and a half hearts more damage to each hit but again “arthropods” only. It will also give Slowness IV when hit
Bane of Arthropods deals extra damage to “arthropod” mobs only (a.k.a Spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites) and each level deals two and a half hearts more damage to each hit but again “arthropods” only. It will also give Slowness IV when hit
The enchantment will cause "arthropods" to briefly have the slowness effect when hit as well as do extra damage.
Bane of Arthropods will kill Spiders, and Cave Spiders fasyer than any other Enchantment!
bane of arthropods does extra damage to spiders, cave spiders, and silverfish
it kills cave spiders faster
Bane of Arthropods deals extra damage to “arthropod” mobs only (a.k.a spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites) and each level deals two and a half hearts more damage to each hit but again “arthropods” only. It will also give Slowness IV when hit
Bane of Arthropods deals extra damage to “arthropod” mobs only (a.k.a Spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites) and each level deals two and a half hearts more damage to each hit but again “arthropods” only. It will also give Slowness IV when hit
Basically, a weapon with the enchantment of Bane of Arthropods on it deals more damage on arthropods, mobs that include Spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, and endermites. Not only that, but it also deals a slowness affect to an arthropod that is hit with a weapon enchanted with Bane of Arthropods.
The enchantment will cause "arthropods" to briefly have the slowness effect when hit as well as do extra damage.
bane of arthropods does extra damage to Spiders, cave spiders, and silverfish
You need to enchant a Diamond Sword with either Sharpness, Smite or Bane of Arthropods, preferably with a high level. Smite and Bane of Arthropods deal more damage than Sharpness, but work only on specific opponents - zombies, zombie pigmen and skeletons for the former, spiders, cave spiders and silverfish for the latter. Even if you get a lower level enchantment, keep attacking things and hope for a critical hit, which adds around 50% extra damage. A diamond sword deals 3 1/2 hearts of damage per strike. Sharpness adds up to 1.5 hearts per level, Smite and Bane add up to 2 per level (it's actually random), but with a high enough level enchantment, it's easy to get the damage achievement.
It deals extra damage to bug-like monsters, namely silverfish, endermites, and both spiders. It acts like sharpness, but twice as powerful. Smite does the smae thing to undeads (monsters that appear to have died and come back).
yea minecraft
Twilight sword