You may need to level up your bulbusaur to level 16 then retry to beat charmander, try catching other Pokemon to fight charmander that are not grass types, advice get a geodude.
You can only get it at the start when you are offered charmander, bulbasaur or squirtle
No. The starters are: Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle
Charmander is one of the three starter Pokemon, along with Bulbasaur and Squirtle in these games: Blue, Red, FireRedand LeafGreen.
Yes, after you beat Red go talk to Professor Oak and he will give you a choice of Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle.
beat red and go to prof. oak. he will give you a choice of charmander, bulbasaur, or squirtle. you also need all 16 bages
You can only get it at the start when you are offered charmander, bulbasaur or squirtle
squirtle charmander and bulbasaur
They are bulbasaur, charmander, and squirtle.
No. you must start with bulbasaur to get Entei
No. The starters are: Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle
Only by trading them from FireRed or LeafGreen.
If you have chosen Bulbasaur as your starter then Gary chose charmander. Catch a water Pokemon to beat it.
Yes. if you chose charmander and beat the game and sevii post game suicune will roam the region. squitle=raikou. bulbasaur=entei.
Bulbasaur, charmander and squirtle. like in Pokemon fire red
The original startes; bulbasaur, charmander and squirtle are the starters (and in my opinion, they are the best).
The starter Pokemon are squirtle, charmander, and bulbasaur.CHARIZARD!CHARIZARD! oh sorry charmander squritle bulbasaur pick charmander because he evolves in to CHARIZARD! I'm going to start a new game and pick squritle because I always pick charmander and bulbasaur when I start a new gameBulbasaur. Squirtle. Charmander