Err, it is a starter... you can trade it from another game.
i am personally a fan of exeggutor
It is a starter pokemon. You can not find it in the wild. You can also trade for it.
While you can catch it in Viridian Forest, you can't get it as a starter. In Pokemon Yellow, an original Gameboy game, you can get Pikachu as your starter.
In Pokemon LeafGreen Oak will never give you a Mudkip, Treeco or Torchic. This is primarily due to Leafgreen and FireRed being in the same generation as Ruby and Sapphire which has those starter Pokemon.
Get it for your starter Pokemon
Get it as your starter.
They are bulbasaur, charmander, and squirtle.
In leaf green you should start with bulbasaur because the first 2 gyms are weak against grass Pokemon
To get Pokemon 7 you have to choose squirtle as your starter Pokemon.
yes hes one of your starter pokemon.
Suicune is not a possible starter Pokemon in emerald you must get a suicune from Pokemon firered or leafgreen.
you can not you can only get it as a starter
squirtle charmander and bulbasaur
You can just breed your starter Pokemon with a ditto to get a egg of your starter Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen or firered then trade them.
Go upstairs in any Pokemon center hook up a wirless adapter to 2 GBA's or GBA link cables trade with a leafgreen and have leafgreen trade you there starter Pokemon.