You can just breed your starter Pokemon with a ditto to get a egg of your starter Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen or firered then trade them.
You can't.
use the time capsule upstairs in the Pokemon center
only if you trade them from red, blue or yellow
the only way to get one of the starters of Kanto on pokemon crystal is when you completely finish your Pokedex, professor oak will give you one o the Kanto starters.
You cant get a kanto starter on Pokemon sapphire but if you have Pokemon emerald then you complete the pokedex then you get a choice of starters from the johto region. I hope this helped.:)
Use different pokemon.
No u cant but u can go to Kanto , also get hoenn starters and kanto starters
in my heart
after you beat red in Mt.silver
You can't.
Yes, you do. The starters are Squrtile, Bulbasaur, and Charmander.
You can't. You'll need to trade for them.
not originally, but if you migrate them then yes.
No. You will need to transfer them over from an older game.
use the time capsule upstairs in the Pokemon center
only if you trade them from red, blue or yellow
the only way to get one of the starters of Kanto on pokemon crystal is when you completely finish your Pokedex, professor oak will give you one o the Kanto starters.