In the game you need Igno to defeat Bullwort,but if you defeat him AND his powerful vivosaur Frigi,Igno goes away too. But after you beat the game,fight SaurHead 3 times in a row to get Igno FOREVER!!!!
What levels?
Todd is in the fossil lawn near the fossil cannon. He will be using a Barbaros, Parium, and an Edapho.
you get him in goldfeet glacier which is after you beat the game, or if you are really lucky you can get him in greenhorn plains.
I used amargo,coatlus,and lambeo, or you can get the vivosaurs your using into rank 12.
you beat him ;)
You have to beat some one to get him
you beat Guhnashes three brain and then you beat the game
Defeat Guhshan's brains.
he is in ribulur town near the fossil lawn
I think it is available after you beat the game
In the toilet
you beat dr diggens and find friggey than beat him agen
You have to use Shoni,Cotalus,andAmargo and dynal!!!!
level 44
Get your dinos to rank 12 ,only five