its a complex combination of steroids, laxatives and a bad case of constipation
I think yes because the only thing impossible is impossiblety
Yes because in the movie Battle of Gods, Goku gets to turn into super saiyan god in the movie
super saiyan god is stronger
Super Saiyan, Ultra Super Saiyan, Ultimate Super Saiyan, Full Power Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Mastered Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3 and 100% Super Saiyan 3. In GT, Super Saiyan 4 exists. Some belive that SSJ4 Goku fused with Shenron and absorbing the dragon balls is the equivilant of "SSJ5" which only exists in DB AE/AF which are fanmade creations.
because super saiyan 2 has a jolt or electricity around it and super saiyan 1 doesnt
There is no Super Saiyan 5 it is limited to 4.
I think yes because the only thing impossible is impossiblety
super saiyan 4 goku is not real the limit is ssj 4 -> By the way ssj means super saiya-jin. It is the Japanese acronym. Technically no. It most likely is real, just the fact that no one has ever reached it. oh and if you google it you can find a ton of images of it and super saiyan 6. And it also depends if you count the great ape forms and Legendary super saiyan.
Yes because in the movie Battle of Gods, Goku gets to turn into super saiyan god in the movie
A super saiyan god is the saiyan among super saiyans its in between super saiyan 3 and super saiyan 4 super saiyan god has red hair and red eyes.
Super Saiyan Super Saiyan 3 Super Saiyan 4 Super Saiyan 5 (platinum elite) Majin Saiyan Legendary Super Saiyan (only for Broly, of course)
there is not a super saiyan 2 gotenks. He can only transform into a super saiyan and a super saiyan 3.
Yes. Akira Toriyama confirmed that it will be a "New Remastered Anime" by 2013. He Also would make Super Saiyan 5, Super Saiyan 6 and an all-new NEW Super Saiyan 4. AND Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta and NEW Fusions.
super saiyan god is stronger
Here they are:Goku: Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, and 4Vegeta: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), Super Saiyan 2, and 4.Trunks: Super Saiyan 1, Ultra Super Saiyan(Ussj), and Super Saiyan 2.Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.(Though he has Ultimate Gohan form, it doesn't really count.Teen Gohan: Super Saiyan 1, and 2.Kid Gohan: He doesn't turn Super Saiyan yet.Goten: Super Saiyan 1.Broly: Legendary Super Saiyan.(The rest like 1, 2, or 3 are not shown in DBZ)Gogeta: Super Saiyan 1, and 4.Vegito: Super Vegito(Which I think counts.)
5.... super saiyan 1 super saiyan 2 super saiyan 3 super saiyan 4 Oozaru or great ape there's also a super Oozaru
an ascended level of super saiyan which is twice the power of a regular super saiyan.