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Ok i was thinking some of you Club Penguin people wanted to be a Pokemon on club penguin well i am going to give you information on how to be a Pokemon

Pikachu where the color yellow

squirtle where the color aqua

charmander where the color red

bulbasaur where the color light blue

now heres 4 legendarys

articuno where the color light blue and a blue proppeler cap and dance

moltres where the color red and a red proppeler cap and dance

mew where the color pink

mew two where the color purple

heres 2 more thing you will need too know 1 you have standard chat 2 you need say there names but if your mew two talk normal but tell them your mew two and there is two Pokemon you don't say there names articuno and moltres

if you have any more ideas post them on the question helping cp help Pokemon help and if there really good ill put them up


You can also make a sweet igloo like me. It could look like a Pokemon place!! Here is my example. I made a really good Pokemon place and the tennis court is a good battle stage. Here is the link to the Pokemon place.

You can use it if you want! Or if you see me with that igloo (I'm Blue Lake2) you can use what the person before me said. Dress as mew, mewtwo, charizard etc. Hope I helped!

***Cuddleruelscool edit***

You check out my site to learn how to be a Pokemon heres the link

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