...? umm this question doesnt make sense. you do it by seeing Pokemon! all the Pokemon in the game! (no trade)
You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex
Just a certificate saying that you completed the pokedex.
if you own a Pokemon lets say magikarp the red areas on the map on the pokedex are where you can find it.
get all the Pokemon in the pokedex then talk to birch
Firered and leafgreen both can catch different Pokemon but there pokedex is the same, here is some examples: magmar only in leafgreen not firered, oddish in firered not leafgreen, ekans in firered not leafgreen, bellsprout in leafgreen not firered, pinsir in leafgreen not firered.
finish the pokedex Dee Dee Dee celebrate! level it up
you need to trade bellsprout, vulpix, and sanshrew from leafgreen and you can get the rest in fire red.
the no.36 pokemon is clefable
to finish the pokedex you have to see all the Pokemon in the wild
Many people think that after you beat the Pokemon league and your rival, you completed the game. To finish the game totally, get every Pokemon in the kanto and national pokedex and beat the Pokemon league. It's a real challenge!
You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex
Squirtle is only obtainable if you chose it at the beginning of the game you must get one from another firered or leafgreen then give it to your firered and then you can finish your pokedex.
Just a certificate saying that you completed the pokedex.
see every Pokemon
Go to Google and type in [Pokemon Fire Red Pokedex list] or [Pokemon Leaf Green Pokedex list].AnswerVisit http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_National_Dex_number and read up to the Sinnoh Pokedex. These are all the Pokemon available in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.
if you own a Pokemon lets say magikarp the red areas on the map on the pokedex are where you can find it.