You must go underground and search for the iron ore. But be warned, if you mine iron with a wooden or gold pickax, it will not drop anything, you must use a stone, iron, or diamond pickax.
An Iron Pick :)
No, you need at least a Stone pickaxe, to mine the Iron Ore.
A stonepickaxe or higher.
You can mine redstone with an Iron, Gold or Diamond pickaxe.
In Minecraft, you will need to use an iron pickax to mine the rubies in the game.
Minecraft* You need a stone pickaxe to mine iron in Minecraft.
An Iron Pick :)
No, you need at least a Stone pickaxe, to mine the Iron Ore.
For Vanilla Minecraft, you will need a stone pickaxe (or better) to mine iron ore.
Stone pickaxe.
With an iron pickaxe or better.
An Iron Pick
A stonepickaxe or higher.
You can mine redstone with an Iron, Gold or Diamond pickaxe.
In Minecraft, you will need to use an iron pickax to mine the rubies in the game.
you can use a iron pickaxe to mine it as this can mine every ore in minecraft
You need a Iron or Diamond Pickaxe to mine Emerald.