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In case in goldenrod city take the underground path. There will be a door. Get the key from the rocket executive in radio tower. In case of lavender town we can't go underground.

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Q: How do get through the radio basement in Pokemon crystal?
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Where is the underground basement in Pokemon Crystal?

its behind the radio tower next to the name raters house but you need the basement key from the rocket executive

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In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain the Pokeflute at the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City. It is given to you by the director after you have rescued the radio director from Team Rocket in the underground basement of the Goldenrod Radio Tower.

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There is no basement in the radio tower. If you are referring to the underground tunnels it is located near the Name Rater's hut.

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You must obtain a radio card from the receptionist at the radio tower

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go in the radio tower then defeat everyone in there go to the 5 floor and defeat that guy up there he will give you a basement key use that to get in the underground wearhouse

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You can play that song on the radio on certain days.

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lavender town radio tower

How do you get to the basement on Pokemon Soul Silver?

beat exacutive patral in the radio tower and he gives you the key.

In Pokemon gold in the underground warehouse the 3 2 1 switch order isn't working and you cant get through the last gate at the bottom?

i dont know cuz i have crystal but are the gates in basement of radio tower in glodenrod? if so it the same i dont know the order i just kept trying them and it worked!

Where is the Pokemon radio station in Pokemon Crystal?

golden rod city in johto and mahogany town in kanto

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You must get an upgrade for the Radio PokeGear app and use it.