Same way you evolve a Machoke in any other Pokemon game. You have to trade it to a different generation four Pokemon game. (ex. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum or HeartGold/SoulSilver)
You must trade a Machoke with someone else, or receive a Machoke from someone else. After getting the Machoke, it will evolve into a Machamp. Machamp cannot be found in the wild. This is because they can only be evolved by trading.
You cant evolve machoke up by levelling him up. You have to trade to evolve machoke.
You cannot evolve Machoke into Machamp without trading Machoke, it must be traded in order to evolve it, there is no other way to evolve it.
I am pretty sure you have to trade it and it evolves after being traded.You have to trade it with another heartgold/soulsilver and trade it back to be able to have machamp on your game.
Kadabra, machoke, haunter 'Just trading' - Kadabra; Machoke; Graveler; Haunter.
Same way you evolve a Machoke in any other Pokemon game. You have to trade it to a different generation four Pokemon game. (ex. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum or HeartGold/SoulSilver)
You must trade a Machoke with someone else, or receive a Machoke from someone else. After getting the Machoke, it will evolve into a Machamp. Machamp cannot be found in the wild. This is because they can only be evolved by trading.
MACHOKE EVOlve by trading
You cant evolve machoke up by levelling him up. You have to trade to evolve machoke.
yes if you trade machoke it will evolve
You cannot evolve Machoke into Machamp without trading Machoke, it must be traded in order to evolve it, there is no other way to evolve it.
I am pretty sure you have to trade it and it evolves after being traded.You have to trade it with another heartgold/soulsilver and trade it back to be able to have machamp on your game.
Machoke evolves into Machamp, but you need to trade it to get it to evolve.
to evolve machoke you need to trade it
Machoke can only evolve after its been traded
It will evolve to Machoke about level 28. Machoke will evolve to Machamp when traded.