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Firstly, I'd suggest to either get a windows shelled MAME program, or get a mame frontend for your MAME 0.142. The MAME binary program you have is a command line running executable (it's ran by entering various command codes in a dos like window), it's very technical and unweildy. A MAME program ran in a windows shell or a frontend are loads easier to manage and launch.

My suggestions for a windows shelld MAME program is to look up the program called IV Play. it's free and you can search the site for the appropriate MAME version you need.

A frontend, is a program that you launch to run the MAME 0.142 binary for you in a menu format. You just install the frontend, setup the directories so it knows where your MAME 0.142 program is at. Then just use the friendly interface frontend. Two excellent frontends to try: GameEx, it's free and has a nice setup program. And Maximus Arcade, it's free for the fully functioning trial program.

Once that is set up, locate and download some romsets. Place the zipped files into the rom folder in your MAME 0.142 folder, it should be labeled "ROMS". Do Not unzip the roms, just leave them like they are, your MAME can handle it.

Start up the frontend, load a rom from the list, and play!

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