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Make sure that the light level is above 7, and that there is grass near the spawner.

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Q: How do I get my pig spawner to work on Minecraft?
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What is the code to get a pig spawner in minecraft?


What is the give command for a zombie spawner in minecraft?

Unfortunately, using the /give command will only give you a pig spawner.

What is the zombie spawner ID in minecraft no mods?

there is none only pig spawners

What is the monster spawner id in minecraft?

The block id is 52. By default, it will be a pig spawner, so it is better that you use a mod like single player commands to change it

What is the ID number for the pig spawner in minecraft?

You would want to change, Cow, to Chicken. Changing, Cow, to another entity would change what it spawns.** In minecraft mob spawners can only be obtained by using the /give, or /setblock command. To change a block to a mob spawner, this command would have to be used: /setblock minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId: Cow})Changing the x, y, and z values, changes where the block would be placed.

How do you make a pig spawner on minecraft?

At the current moment, pig spawners are only able to be placed ingame if you were to 'cheat'. Cheats which can place pig spawners include InvEdit (inventory edit), and many more. You are unable to do it otherwise.

Why wont your minecraft mob spawner work?

Maybe your game level is on peaceful or you put torches around it.

Can you still get a spawner with silktouch in minecraft?


Do you get a item if you destory a monster spawner in minecraft?


How do you get a mob spawner in Minecraft?

You can get a mob spawner in Minecraft by using any pickaxe (except wood) with Silk Touch 1 enchantment or by spawning it in (Dec:52).

How do you change the gun of a weapon spawner in the sdk guns mod for minecraft instead of the Ak?

Right click on the weapon spawner.

How can you change a mob spawner in minecraft whithout mods?

that depends on the version and edition of minecraft you are playing.