Maybe your game level is on peaceful or you put torches around it.
You can get a mob spawner in Minecraft by using any pickaxe (except wood) with Silk Touch 1 enchantment or by spawning it in (Dec:52).
You cant find a giant mob in vannilla minecraft but you can sumon him using a command or a spawner.
It is not possible to actually make a mob spawner in any version of Minecraft. Mob spawners are only obtainable via in-game commands or if you use a mod of some sort.
If you are looking for a way to pick them up, well, you can't pick mob spawners up. You can only destroy them with a pick but it can give you a lot of exp.
A ghast is a huge ghost like mob in Minecraft that lives only in the Nether, unless hacked or spawned with a spawner egg in creative mode. They are aggressive, shoot fireballs that explode on contact, and make a creepy crying and moaning noise. They do fly, and are personally annoying.
You can get a mob spawner in Minecraft by using any pickaxe (except wood) with Silk Touch 1 enchantment or by spawning it in (Dec:52).
You cant find a giant mob in vannilla minecraft but you can sumon him using a command or a spawner.
that depends on the version and edition of minecraft you are playing.
It is not possible to actually make a mob spawner in any version of Minecraft. Mob spawners are only obtainable via in-game commands or if you use a mod of some sort.
You would want to change, Cow, to Chicken. Changing, Cow, to another entity would change what it spawns.** In minecraft mob spawners can only be obtained by using the /give, or /setblock command. To change a block to a mob spawner, this command would have to be used: /setblock minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId: Cow})Changing the x, y, and z values, changes where the block would be placed.
Nothing! You do get some XP though, and the mobs stop spawning, but you cannot obtain the spawner.
worstseedever Spawns by a mob spawner and a cave with 22 diamonds
1. yes. 2. learn to spell.
there are many seeds but the best one (in my opinion) is worstseedever
The mob spawner cage's official item number is: 52
only if you have this mod that gives you blocks like the mob spawner or what you want a nether portal
You can't mod Minecraft PE, there's no way to add Herobrine into it.