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Cyndaquil and all other pre-fourth generation starters are unavailable in Pokemon pearl and diamond. You must transfer it from Pokemon Emerald. If you do not have Emerald, sign up on a Pokemon trading forum and find someone who is willing to trade you one.

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2mo ago

Well, darling, you can't get Cyndaquil in Pokemon Pearl. It's like trying to find a unicorn in your backyard - it's just not gonna happen. If you're set on getting that fiery little critter, you'll have to trade with someone who has it in another game. Happy hunting, hun!

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Q: How do I get Cyndaquil on Pokemon Pearl?
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How do you get Cyndaquil in Pokemon Pearl?

you have to trade cyndaquil to pearl to get it

Can you catch cyindiquil on Pokemon pearl?

No, you cannot catch Cyndaquil in Pokémon Pearl.

Where can you catch a cyndaquil in Pokemon pearl?

In the Pal Park I think

How do you get Cyndaquil?

You can use a Cyndaquil as a starter Pokemon in heart gold, soul silver, gold, silver, crystal and diamond pearl platinum.

Is there an action replay code for Cyndaquil in Pokemon Pearl?

i don't know Damien seidler:

What type of Pokemon is Cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil is a Fire type pokemon.

How do you get cyndaquil in Pokemon Red?

You cannot get Cyndaquil in Pokemon Red. It is only on Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.

Where can you find cyndaquil in Pokemon dimand?

You can find Cyndaquil at Mount Stark on Pokemon Diamond.

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Sinderquil is not an official Pokémon. "Cyndaquil", however, is available in Pokémon Pearl, but only through trade. You can not find them in the wild.

Where do you find cyndaquil on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You cant find one but you can choose Cyndaquil as your starter Pokemon.

How do you catch Cyndaquil in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't catch it in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. You have to transfer it via Pal Park from Pokemon Emerald, Leaf Green, or Fire Red. Before you do this, however, you need to have a national Pokedex in both games, and have a Cyndaquil in the GBA game. This is somebody else. I know theres an action replay code to get cyndaquil in diamond becuz i have chikorita ad totodile.

In Pokemon SoulSilver were do you discover cyndiquil?

Cyndaquil cannot be found in the wild. You have to choose Cyndaquil as your starter Pokemon at the beginning of the game. Cyndaquil cannot be a wild Pokemon since it is one of the starters.