if you used the clone cheat on your game you might of corrupted your save file, meaning youll have to buy a new game if you ever want to save it again. theyre cheap on eBay because theyre so old.
There's Vizzed. It can save your game ... but it can't use Cheat Devices.
Your game as corrupted or in other words stuffed. The same thing happened to my Pokemon silver and gold so yea i know what it feels like.
Just go to Slowpoke well and save, so when you go in the game again you will enter slowpoke well.
you may have turned of the power while saving. Another reason is because the save battery died. This is most likely if you havn't played the game in a while. i also have experinced this before its probably because crystal is a old game and as he said before the save battery is dying because i own silver and the save file doesnt work.
Carefully choose the Pokemon you want to clone, you can clone only once, I know from experience. Go to any Pokemon center and put the Pokemon in an empty Pokemon storage box. Then as you save the game, right before the period appears to tell you that the game is saved turn the game off. Check the box and enjoy your cloned Pokemon!
Yes you can. I have crystal and a gameboy sp and it saves fine so if you're game is not saving then there's either some thing wrong with your crystal or your sp.
There's Vizzed. It can save your game ... but it can't use Cheat Devices.
no,you have to save.
Please help...contact me on elektrana@hotmail.com
If your game stopped saving, chances are the battery inside of the game itself has died. You will need to replace it. You can find it cheap on eBay.
Your game as corrupted or in other words stuffed. The same thing happened to my Pokemon silver and gold so yea i know what it feels like.
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, saving may be disabled if you are playing on an emulator that does not have the save feature activated or has not been configured properly. You may need to check your emulator settings or try using a different emulator to enable saving in the game.
Just go to Slowpoke well and save, so when you go in the game again you will enter slowpoke well.
you may have turned of the power while saving. Another reason is because the save battery died. This is most likely if you havn't played the game in a while. i also have experinced this before its probably because crystal is a old game and as he said before the save battery is dying because i own silver and the save file doesnt work.
Carefully choose the Pokemon you want to clone, you can clone only once, I know from experience. Go to any Pokemon center and put the Pokemon in an empty Pokemon storage box. Then as you save the game, right before the period appears to tell you that the game is saved turn the game off. Check the box and enjoy your cloned Pokemon!
yes and even crystal,gold,silver and all gbc games save on vba
you have to go to the PC to save the game