Just go to Slowpoke well and save, so when you go in the game again you will enter slowpoke well.
You can catch Slowpoke in Pokemon Gold in the Slowpoke Well that is by Azalea Town and you can also find them in Tohjo Falls.
You can catch it in Slowpoke Well. That's the only location I can remember.
AnswerKurt is primarily in Azalea Town, in his house near the Pokemon Centre. However, if it is your first time visiting the area, Kurt can be found in Slowpoke Well, on Route 23.
Yes, Pokémon in Crystal can learn Headbutt through level up and they are Slowpoke as well as its evolution of Slowbro, Hypno and its pre-evolution of Drowzee, Cubone and its evoluton of Marowak, Snorlax and Slowking.
Slowpoke Well can be found at the east entrance of Azalea Town. To get there, travel south from Violet City. When you reach Union Cave, travel through. As soon as you exit, head west. This will take you to Slowpoke Well and Azalea Town.
In my game slowpoke well but I donno about crystal
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, Slowking can be obtained by evolving a Slowpoke that is holding a King's Rock while being traded. When Slowpoke is traded while holding the King's Rock, it will evolve into Slowking.
Slowpoke Well Basement level 2 by surfing. http://www.upokecenter.com/dex/?version=crystal&name=SLOWBRO
well.....as you can tell slowpoke are in it have you ever got an idea that maybe since there is only slowpoke in it then that's why its called slowpoke well......
You can catch Slowpoke in Pokemon Gold in the Slowpoke Well that is by Azalea Town and you can also find them in Tohjo Falls.
In slowpoke well, there's plenty of them. after you scare team rocket out, it should be easy to catch them. this is fairly early game, so you will probably run into one soon after you start.
Trade a Slowpoke holding a King's Rock and it will evolve. You can get a Slowpoke in the Slowpoke Well.
You can catch it in Slowpoke Well. That's the only location I can remember.
AnswerKurt is primarily in Azalea Town, in his house near the Pokemon Centre. However, if it is your first time visiting the area, Kurt can be found in Slowpoke Well, on Route 23.
Well in Azaelea
if you mean the slowpoke, then you cannot get them.
Yes, Pokémon in Crystal can learn Headbutt through level up and they are Slowpoke as well as its evolution of Slowbro, Hypno and its pre-evolution of Drowzee, Cubone and its evoluton of Marowak, Snorlax and Slowking.