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Show him a Pokemon that deeply likes you and have an empty space in your party now he will give you the togepi egg.

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Q: How come the old man doesn't give you Togepi?
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Pokemon Emerald how to catch Togepi?

To catch a Togepi in Pokemon Emerald, you have to talk to the man in the Pokemon center in Lilycove. After this wait 24 hours and talk to your mom and she'll give you one.

Where do you get Togepi in pokemon firered?

go to five island and surf to the western part and find another islang go to and you will see a old man talk to him and he will give you togepis egg

How do you get Togepi in pokemon LeafGreen?

First you have to go the Five Island, then surf around and look for a man with a beard and brown clothes, then talk to him and you'll get an egg which will hatch into Togepi

Can you obtain Pokemon in soul silver?

You can obtain Togepi from a man, after you defeat Falkner, go to the pokemart and a man gives in to you.

At what level does Togepi evolve at?

Togepi does not evolve by level. Togepi evolves by love and care. After becoming a togetic, you use a shiny stone to evolve it into a togekiss.No set level. It's by happiness. Everybody else says that if you give it potions or give it medical herbs it will speed up the process but it won't here's what you need to do is go to goldenrod city put your Togepi at the first one in your party so it walks with you go to the crossroad after the healing centre, turn right and go down the little pathway go in the first house you see by the lamp post there should be a old man, a young woman and a little girl speak to the young woman sat at the table if she saysIf you treat your Pokemon nicely,they will love you in return.Oh? Let me see your PokemonIt looks really happy!It must love you a lotThen your ready to evolve your Togepi go then back out the house, past the healing centre to route 34 go to the day care man just down the road with your togepi still out. The patch of grass in front is what you need go in and let your togepi fight the first move if its young 0-20 swap it for a different one if its older keep battling your Togepi will evolve into Togetic once your Topepi levels up 1 my Togepi was level 22 I fought a drowzee but I didn't level up then I fought another drowzee and leveled up to 23 once the battle was over my Togepi evolved into my TogeticIf this helps please ask for any more info on Pokemon soul silver, pearl, diamond, ranger shadows of Almia or blackThanks Hannah Pokemon Extraordinaire

Related questions

Where can you get a togepi?

In Heart Gold and Soul Silver you can get Togepi from an egg that you receive from this old man and then later in the game visit professor Elm and he will give it to you.

Why won't the guy in water labyrinth give me Togepi?

i dont know man

The man in Pokemon leaf green who gives you Togepi will not give Togepi to me I have tried everything?

just put your'e starter Pokemon in the first of your party

How do you catch a Togepi in Pokemon FireRed?

The man on the island in the east part on the water labyrinth will give you an egg that hatches into a togepi. Or you can snag togetic in Pokemon Colosseum and breed it on 4 island and hatch a togepi.

How do you catch shadow Togepi in XD?

you cant catch a togepi but in the outskirt stand a man who resued one will give you a shadow one for free and once you purify it if you give it back to him he will trade you a elekid with special moves

How do you get tokipe in Pokemon LeafGreen?

there's an old man in the west at five island he will give you an egg it will be a togepi

Pokemon Emerald how to catch Togepi?

To catch a Togepi in Pokemon Emerald, you have to talk to the man in the Pokemon center in Lilycove. After this wait 24 hours and talk to your mom and she'll give you one.

How do you get a Togepi on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Go to water laberinth on 5 island, go to the end of the maze and you should see an island. Go talk to the man on the island and he will give you an egg. The egg will hatch into a togepi.

Do you catch Togepi in the Kanto region?

you dont catch it. u obtain an egg that contains togepi. to get the egg, go to 5 island. surf up a little, and then hang a left. u should eventually run into an island. the man on the island will give u the togepi egg. walk or ride your bike around alot to hatch it.

How do you get Togepi in Pokemon black?

In Pokemon FireRed, visit Five Island and follow the Water Labyrinth north and then west. You will come to an island (not Resort Gorgeous but a small island with a two people on it). It is called Western Island but it doesn't say. Talk to the old man and he will give you a Pokemon Egg. It will eventually hatch into a Togepi. "IN THE ISLAND" There are two people.... one MAN and one Lady... Talk to the man.. he will give you the egg... (but make sure that ur first Pokemon is happy (example my leveled up charizard) then he will entrust the Pokemon to you) had a wrong answer... this is true i tried it :)

How to get togepi on FireRed?

on fire red go on 7 island then go left intill u fall into an old man on a island have 1 free space beat the ilite 4 then he will say "you seem tough battle me and win and i will give a prize" then he will battle beat him and then get your togepi

Give that man a cheroot come from?

Give that man a cheroot.A cheroot is a cigar. The expression means, Give that man a cigar.