Give that man a cheroot.
A cheroot is a cigar. The expression means, Give that man a cigar.
it means "i give you my word" big man ting
this old man he gave 2 he played tic tac on his shoe witha tic tac patty wack give a dog a bone
August 1962
I think the phrase was coined by H.L. Mencken. Great man by the way.
One way to get the cat to come up to you is give it a treat.
A square-ended cigar is called a Cheroot.
The Deadly Cheroot - 1914 was released on: USA: 8 August 1914
a cigarette
Don't push him, just give him space, if he wants you he will come to you.
it came from a man named calmen who would give the calmen wegdie
If hes a real man let him come to you. But maybe give him a little sign that you like him.
Show him a Pokemon that deeply likes you and have an empty space in your party now he will give you the togepi egg.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime. This is a Chinese proverb
You have to wear a grass skirt [find it at the beach part of the island] and then give him the ingrediants. If that does not work than i do not know.
Yes you can and if you want to come back to full like go see a mericle man and he will give you a pill with chocolate coding just get a friend to give it to you
Pheneis the Ballon man will come to the city at random days at random times and give away free stuff.