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you have to call 1800 my xbox

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Q: How can you remove card details from an Xbox 360 account?
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Who do you call to ask to remove your credit card for Xbox live?

the only way is to call Xbox's help line. Just as a warning though, Cancel your account means delete it, just tell them that you want to downgrade to a silver account at the time of the next payment instead of recurring payment. they will try almost ANYTHING to keep you on though, so be ready. Google it first please :D IMPROVEMENT: If you have a PC, you can remove your credit card information yourself. First, get Microsoft Live Games for PC. Then, download Tinker (a Free for PC game for the Live network). When installing the game, make sure you use the same account you used for your XBox 360 to activate Tinker. Now, go to your account settings. You can change or even delete your credit card information there. It will not affect any of you XBox Live settings, or XBox 360 Gold subscription, it only removes you credit card information.

How do you remove your credit card from farmville?

once i use credit card in my face book farmville , i son is always purchasing by farmville , how can i remove card details You have to go into your account settings on your actual Facebook account. I think it's under payments or security. But you can remove it there.

How can you setup an xbox live account without a credit card?

All you have to do is create the account and it automatically becomes what is call an Xbox Live Silver Account. You don't need any credit card or subscription card.

Is there a way to take all of your memory from your old XBOX account to your new XBOX account?

maybe if you save it all to an sd card then transfer the files to new xbox

How can you fix marketplace Error 8c320008 on Xbox?

Remove all cards on the account, deleting your Marketplace System Data from the System Items folder on your Hard Drive, clearing your System Cache, restarting your Xbox, THEN adding your card.

Hot do you put Xbox live on Xbox 360?

go to account and click xbox live, then redeem code, credit card, etc.

What to do if your credit card company calls you to inform that your account has a suspicious charge?

Ask them to temporarily block your account. visit the nearest card issuing bank and inquire for more details.DO NOT SHARE YOUR CARD OR ONLINE ACCOUNT DETAILS TO ANYONE ON PHONE OR BY EMAIL.The call may be an attempt at luring you into sharing the card details so that they can make transactions using your details.

Can you change your native Xbox account into a Xbox Live Account?

yes, you can buy a subscription gift card and press the home button while signed in as the person you want on xbox live. Then go all the way to the left and click redeem code and it will go through a sign up process with you.

How do you redeem a prepaid code on xbox live when you are on a UK account and you have a US card?

US prepaid cards cannot be redeemed on an XBOX Live account tied to the UK.

How do you connect Xbox 360 to Xbox live?

You have to buy a membership card. You can buy them at a local Gamestop or Walmart i believe or you can purchase it through your account on xbox with a credit card. You also will need internet connection.

How do you use xbox live membership card?

When you create an account it will give you the option of buying or redeeming a subscription card.

How do you redeem your xBox LIVE gold membership on the new dashbourd?

you just go to your live account, then redeem the account with a credit card. or go to redeem code on your xbox menu and use a 3 month prepaid card or a year.