Remove all cards on the account, deleting your Marketplace System Data from the System Items folder on your Hard Drive, clearing your System Cache, restarting your Xbox, THEN adding your card.
Microsoft has to fix it it's internal
no they will not.I reccoment to you to use an online Xbox 360 fix gude. these Xbox 360 fix guides, there are easy to understand with step-by-step videos. (see link below)
you call up the xbox company and talk to them and they help you fix it and if it needs to be fixed by a mechanic or electrian or somebody that fixes the xbox and for free i think. OR... You go to sign in and accept their new Terms and Conditions, then you can recover your gamer tag.
The E81 error is dashboard related. To fix this, you can go onto the Xbox website, download the dashboard firmware yourself, put it on a dvd or USB and it will download the firmware again. You could try deleting all system cache, to do this, go to memory in settings, press y and select the option to delete all system cache.
If your Xbox is broken you can call Xbox Support maybe they cant tell you how to fix it. Or you can send it in a gaming store as some do fix it for you.
According to Microsoft, the error code 8000704DC on the Xbox means there is an error downloading your Xbox Live profile. You will need to visit your account, change your password, and clear stored information on your console to fix the error.
Microsoft has to fix it it's internal
It is due to the marketplace being down, based of Xbox forums it is recommended to either wait a few hours, or delete the latest Xbox console update.
Sounds like the battery's.
go to youtube and theres videos on there that can help on that
no they will not.I reccoment to you to use an online Xbox 360 fix gude. these Xbox 360 fix guides, there are easy to understand with step-by-step videos. (see link below)
It is recommended that you contact Xbox Support.
you call up the xbox company and talk to them and they help you fix it and if it needs to be fixed by a mechanic or electrian or somebody that fixes the xbox and for free i think. OR... You go to sign in and accept their new Terms and Conditions, then you can recover your gamer tag.
You can send it to Microsoft who will fix your Xbox 360.
autoIt error how can i fix this problem
The E81 error is dashboard related. To fix this, you can go onto the Xbox website, download the dashboard firmware yourself, put it on a dvd or USB and it will download the firmware again. You could try deleting all system cache, to do this, go to memory in settings, press y and select the option to delete all system cache.