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At this time, you can not. It doesn't do anything. In the future, they will add it in, but right now it doesn't do anything.

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Q: How can you raise your AC in Crossfire by Suba Games?
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I believe that kicks on when the AC is turned on to raise the idle to compensate for the AC compressor load.

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No. The sun raise will make your AC work harder to keep the home cool.

What is the purpose of AC generator?

AC voltages can be raise by transformers and transported over long distances without great power losses then converted back to lower household voltages by transfomers for our use.

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It is now between Ac Milan and Inter Milan. Ac Milan are favourites of winning even though they are second AC Milan have easy games now but Inter Milan still have some hard games left. I think Ac Milan will win the Italy Seria A.

1998 Mazda 626 it dies with the ac on what could it be?

Throttle position sensor. With the AC turned on, it causes a greater load on the engine, and a slightly decreased idle speed. The throttle position sensor would detect this immediately and raise your idle to where it would normally be if the AC wasn't running.

What is an AC?

In a deck of cards it is the one with the capital letter A on it. In games like blackjack it can be a 1 or an 11. In most other games it is the card that is one higher than a King.

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A person can find a complete history of the football games AC Milan vs Inter online. Some websites that offer the complete history of these games include Wikipedia and ESPN FC.

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! ton of refrigeration is 12,000 BTU's. 1 BTU is the energy required to raise or lower 1 lb of water 1 degree F.