Okay, first off, you get to the point where you have to fight Metal Madness, and just work hard to kick his butt. Then, you'll fight Metal Overlord with Team Super Sonic. Kick his butt. Simple as that.
to fight metal sonic in sonic heroes, you have to beat all of the other team's stories, and once that is done, in story select (when you choose the team you want to play as in story mode) keep on going right and you'll see a team called LAST with metal sonic on it. (this is kinda hard.)
There is no Sonic Heroes 2.
Yes, you need to get A's on every mission and get all emblems. The team is: Speed: Neo Metal Sonic, Power: Chaos 0, Fly: Eggman in his Egg Flying thinermajig...
Unfortunatly; you don't. If there was a legit way to do that I would be much more satisfied with Sonic Heroes. If you saw the video on YouTube then I believe this guy had hacked the game on his computer, and did not use an action replay/cheat device.
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis): Four crushers, one of which contains Dr. Robotnik. Sonic 2 (Sega Genesis): Metal Robotnik Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine: Dr. Robotnik Sonic CD: Robotnik in a sphere with spinning metal plates going around it Sonic 3: Robotnik with a giant metal claw Sonic & Knuckles: Metal Robotnik Sonic 3D Blast: Miniature Death Egg Sonic Adventure: Perfect Chaos Sonic Adventure 2: Biolizard Sonic Heroes: Metal Sonic Monster Sonic Unleashed: Dark Gaia
There is no team metal sonic. There is no team metal sonic.
metal sonic
no, he is only fainted.
get 7 chaos emeralds
Fight Metal Overlord.
you can play as it and the first beat all the teams and you'll get team metal sonic
No! He is the brother of BANANA SONIC who helped Mario defeat Bowser.
I assume you're talking about Sonic Heroes. The answer is nope, you can only play as Super Sonic in the final boss fight against Metal Overlord *Metal Sonic*.
i cant be sure but i have heard that it is metal sonic sorry if wrong
to fight metal sonic in sonic heroes, you have to beat all of the other team's stories, and once that is done, in story select (when you choose the team you want to play as in story mode) keep on going right and you'll see a team called LAST with metal sonic on it. (this is kinda hard.)
no because if i remember. he isn't in the game at all