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Most PC games are on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It's not possible to interchange the discs though or download games from your PC to your Xbox One/PS4 (or vice versa). If you really want that game, you're going to have to buy it for your Xbox One.

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Q: How can you put PC games on your xbox one?
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When you buy an Xbox 360 controller for Windows PC I am assuming you buy Xbox games and put them in your PC. Am I right or do you need an Xbox 360?

you need an xbox

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Downloading Xbox games on the internet is illegal and will need your console to be modded to play the games.

Is there an add on to play PC games on an Xbox 360?

No. There is no way to play PC games on a Xbox.

Can PC games be played on the Xbox?

On a normal unmodded XBox, no. There are some mods for the XBox which will allow you to play some PC games on the XBox. Most games will not work though. No. And xbox games cannot be played on a PC. you can't lol how told u that no , however , get a PC it's better

Can you put Xbox 360 games in your PC disc drive and play them?

no and I'll tell you why. Xbox DVD drives are flashed to corrospond with Xbox games. only certain types of drives are made to do this. there are four types. Hitachi and ben-Q are 2 examples. no, the drives are not interchangable from PC to xbox console. try borrowing an xbox 360 CD and put it in ur PC. it'll show you what i mean :)

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You'll buy PC games. The XBox controller can be used with some PC games as a standard video game controller.

Is the xbox 360 controler good for PC games?

The wired one are.

Is there a Sim's 3 on xbox one?

no, its only for pc/mac. They were gonna put it on Xbox 360 and ds but they changed there minds.

Can PC games play on the Xbox 360?

No, the xbox 360 cannot play games that were developed for pc, and vice versa.

Can you put xbox games in the PS4 and play them?

No Games only play on the platform said on the box. A game like Battlefield 4 has multiple versions each designed for a unique platform. The Xbox One version only works on the Xbox One. It will not work on the Xbox 360, PC, PS3, or PS4 even though other versions of those games developed for those systems do work .

Can a Xbox 360 play PC games?

No, no it cannot, it wont read the disc right, now if you slightly modify your xbox you may be able to play PC games, but it would take time, and be a total waste of an xbox.

Can you play PC games on xbox 360?

you cannot physically insert PC games into the xbox 360 and play them. but most PC games are made for the Xbox too, (same company, go figure...) so u have to buy a second copy for the xbox if u want to play it there.