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by typing the code you get into the redeem code place on your dashboard

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Q: How can you mod a xbox 360 game without usb?
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Can you get mods for oblivian on xbox360?

you can not mod any game on the Xbox 360 without it being illegal. You can download addons for the game which can be a sort of mod.

Do you get banned from xbox 360 if you download a game from thepiratebayorg?

In order to play a game that you have downloaded and burned to disc on an xbox 360 you have to mod your xbox. If you mod your xbox and log on to xbox live you will be banned.

How do you take a downloaded Xbox game from usb to your Xbox?

You will need to mod your Xbox 360.

How does one get to talk to the Xbox 360 game mods?

An individual with an Xbox 360 is not able to "talk" to a game mod. An Xbox 360 game mod (also known as modding) is a type of chip or modification that allows a user to play "burned games". This means a person copied the game to a device. These types of games cannot be played on the standard Xbox 360. With a mod (or modification) the Xbox will accept these game formats. Therefore, a person cannot talk to a mod. A person can install or perform a mod, but they cannot talk to one.

Can you play xbox 360 copy online?

If you mean, can you play a copied Xbox game on your Xbox 360. The answer is yes, but you will need to mod (chip) your xbox.

Is the minecraft shape shifting mod on xbox 360?

No, you can't mod the XBox 360 version.

Where to get Star Trek legacy ultimate universe mad for xbox 360?

Hi I have the game and mod for PC as well as the base game for 360. Unfortunately Chris Jones Gaming has not released nor is planning to release a mod for the Xbox-360 version

How do you do the 1 kill killstreaks hack?

You have to mod your game. (xBox 360 only)

How do you mod a Xbox original game to work on a Xbox 360?

You dont need to... It should work already.

Can you play Garry's mod on the Xbox 360?

No, a game like that wont work too easily on the 360

How do you mod fallout 3 for xbox 360?

you cannot mod fallout 3 on xbox 360

How do you download a mod to Xbox 360?

Impossible. An Xbox 360 System cannot be Modded For games. and it's Illegal to Mod An Xbox 360 System too.