No, a game like that wont work too easily on the 360
gmod is for PC only
Y is there a xbox 360 garrys mod
no you cant but if you buy Half-Life 2 for PC you can get Gmod and mod the game ect.
No. it is PC only.
In order to play a game that you have downloaded and burned to disc on an xbox 360 you have to mod your xbox. If you mod your xbox and log on to xbox live you will be banned.
gmod is for PC only
Y is there a xbox 360 garrys mod
no you cant but if you buy Half-Life 2 for PC you can get Gmod and mod the game ect.
If you mean, can you play a copied Xbox game on your Xbox 360. The answer is yes, but you will need to mod (chip) your xbox.
I think you can play if you don't have xbox live but if it does not work mod your xbox 360.
No. it is PC only.
mod chips will let you copy and burn games for your xbox 360 so you can play them with out paying in a shop
In order to play a game that you have downloaded and burned to disc on an xbox 360 you have to mod your xbox. If you mod your xbox and log on to xbox live you will be banned.
no because garrys mod requires that you have a game that uses the source engine
you cant
Jtag is a mod for the Xbox 360 which allows you to play downloaded games. You could play xbox live with this but you will get caught and banned (xbox and gamertag ban).