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Keep catching pokemons!

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Q: How can you make your trainer a beauty in Pokemon black?
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How do you get the guy who gives you the phrase to on Pokemon black and white?

You get to the trainer card and press it. And then you can make your own phrase, NOOB!

How do you get a shiny leaf?

Make sure your Pokemon loves the hell out of you then use repels and walk in the grass. Talk to yo Pokemon every so often. The POKEmaster -the one with the black trainer card

Pokemon emerald berries which make the beauty of the Pokemon higher?

The berry type that will make beauty go up are all dry berrys.

What is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Black?

Reshiram. But if you make any other Pokemon stronger than it by level, yes, then it will be that Pokemon. But if you look to it by the side of legends and legendary power, it is Reshiram.

How do you send mail in Pokemon black?

To fill it out : go to your items and touch the mail you wish to send. press "GIVE" and give it to a pokemon. it will ask you if you want to make any changes to it ( like fill it out ).to send it to a trainer : give it to the pokemon you wish to trade and trade it with the trainer. the trainer will notice it has an item, and they will get rid of it. they will notice it is mail, so they will read it. they will read your message and be filled with joy!Hope This Helped You!! :)

What is the best nature for feebas to evolve in Pokemon emerald?

You make its beauty increase examples make it win beauty contests Give it berries that increase beauty

In Pokemon Diamond can someone make a gameshark cheat that allows stealing a trainer's Pokemon please?

Here is the action replay codes for stealing trainer's pokemon: 9223B5FA 00002101 1223B5FA 00002100 D2000000 00000000 Have Fun!!

Pokemon platinum were to battle a trainer with ditto?

you go to route 223 and you will see a trainer that has yellow hair she has a dildo its Avery special Pokemon you can make babies with it just mix with any other

What is the gameshark code to steal trainer Pokemon in silver?

to be able to steal another trainer's Pokemon, you must enter this code into the gameshark: 0D22B65E Whatever you do NEVER put it on before the Pokemon you want shows up!!! (unless you are a glitch hunter, All it does is make the oppenent trainer the "Pokemon" and no matter what you do, it always goes to the last place you saved)

What berry makes pokemon beauty go up?

Dry berries make the beauty of a Pokémon go up.

Are they making Pokemon Black and White?

Yes they did make Pokemon Black and Pokemon White it was the start of the 5th Generation of Pokemon and it included new Pokemon.

How can you max a Pokémon's beauty?

You must make dry poffins at the poffin house and feed them to your Pokemon. Make sure the poffins have a high level or otherwise the Pokemon may become permanently full before beauty is maxed out.