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To fill it out : go to your items and touch the mail you wish to send. press "GIVE" and give it to a pokemon. it will ask you if you want to make any changes to it ( like fill it out ).

to send it to a trainer : give it to the pokemon you wish to trade and trade it with the trainer. the trainer will notice it has an item, and they will get rid of it. they will notice it is mail, so they will read it. they will read your message and be filled with joy!

Hope This Helped You!! :)

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Q: How do you send mail in Pokemon black?
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Give it a mail item and trade it.

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You have to go to a computer and type a message and send it through a purchased mail card. You can find a computer in your room or in any Pokemon hospital.

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Buy mail then attach it to your Pokemon write whatever then trade that Pokemon to a friend they can read it then send it to there PC.

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you can only send Pokemon from soul silver to black with the pokishifter

How do you trade MAIL on Pokémon black?

You Trade a Pokemon holding a piece of MAIL.

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