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Giving your monster attention, taking it shopping, playing with it, decorating its room and feeding it will help to change his/her mood.

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Q: How can you make your moshi monsters mood change?
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Related questions

How do you change your monsters mood on Moshi Monsters?

You have to play and feed your monster daily, this will increase the mood!

What is the code for the mood wheel in moshi monsters?

to get the mood wheel an moshi monsters, you must get the moshi magazine 5

How do you make your moshi monsters mood go up?

Play, buy or feed it!

How do you get the spinning wheel to tell you your emtion on moshi monsters?

You can get the spinning mood from the moshi monsters magazine but it can only be used once and it can't be shared

What does your moshi monsters mood mean?

it means if your monster is happy or sad

How do you make a profile on moshi monsters?

When you're in your monsters room, click on the view profile button, found on the bar above your mood, and then choose answers to the different questions.

How do you get to your monsters profile on moshi monsters?

Go home and on the left side above your monsters mood, there is a tab saying "VIEW PROFILE".

Where is the secondry profile on moshi monsters?

When you are in your monsters room click on 'View Profile' to the left of the screen, just above where your monsters mood is displayed.

Where is your moshi monsters profile?

When you are in your room, above the Mood icon, it says view profile.

How do you get bio moshi monster?

You can get to your Moshi Monsters bio (or profile) by clicking on the view profile button to the left of the screen when you are in your monsters room. The button is located just above the mood.

Where is your monsters profile on moshi monsters?

Go home. On the left side above your monster's mood, there is a tab saying "VIEW PROFILE".

How do you get to your moshi monster's separate profile?

From your monsters room, click the view profile button which can be found above your monsters mood on the left.