Xbox Wireless Network Adapter MN740
Don't no
no, they are completely different. the xbox 360 ones are connected to a usb port or are just wireless and the original xbox's are not..
A Wireless 'N' network adapter is a device that you attach to your Xbox 360 or install in your computer to give it wireless connectivity to your router or even wireless DSL or cable modem. The 'N' designation, for simplicity's sake, is a speed designation. currently the fastest wireless adapter manufactured. This is a good adapter to purchase if you are interested in streaming media from your Xbox 360. Keep in mind however, the newer models of the 360 and laptops have wireless capabilities built in.
There are few things you can try if your Xbox 360 is not recognizing your wireless network. You can go in and delete the connection and then set it back it up again or you can go in and make sure the username and password for your wireless internet is correct.
In order to play on Xbox Live one only has to connect their Xbox to a wireless network. An Xbox can be connected to a network through the settings on the device. If there is no router available an Xbox can be connected to a Windows computer and use that computers internet access.
This means its not connected to the internet. Check your network details on the Xbox, input them again maybe.
Xbox Wireless Network Adapter MN740
It allows you to connect to xbox live on a wireless network
Either on a wireless network or ethernet. Just plug your ethernet cord from your xbox to your computer. or on a wireless network choose the computer you wish.
The adapter connects you to Xbox Live but only if you have a wireless network and if you have a Xbox Live subscription.
Yes You Do
It allows you to use Xbox live over a wireless network like a g or n router no wire from the router to the Xbox AND IT FREKIN COST AN XTRA 70 BuCKS
You don't need to turn your computer on. Just make sure your Xbox is connected to your router and the router and/or modem is on. If using wireless just plug it in and select your network I'm the Xbox settings.
Google the Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter.
Yes, it is possible to use a laptop as a wireless bridge for xbox live.