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If it is on a PC then insert the disc and wait for the auto-run box to come up and click on install. If it doesn't come up with the box the go on my computer and click on The Sims 3. when the installation box comes up just follow the instructions. Sorry but I don't know what to to do a macintosh.

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Q: How can you install Sims 3 from disc?
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How do you install the Sims 3 world adventures if you already have the Sims 3 insatlled?

just insert the sims 3 world advenetures disc and download it like the regular sims 3 disc.

Do you need your Sims 3 disc to install an expansion pack?

no, you do not need your Sims 3 disk, but you will need the disk for the expansion pack you want to install.

I have the sims 3 disc and i dont know how to install it do you know how?

you put in the disk and press install

The password to install the Sims 3?

The code to install Sims 3 is on a piece of advertising paper in the back of the disc container. The should be a code listed at the top of the paper.

Can you buy the Sims 3 Late Night and install it even though you have a a cracked version of the Sims 3?

If the disc is cracked but already installed then yes you can install the Sims 3 late night expansion pack. Since it is a more recent version of the game, just use that disc when you play the game.

How do you install Sims 3 generations?

Place the disc in the disc tray and close it. Load the game and follow the instructions on the installer :P

Your sims 2 has only one disc how do you install it?

You don't

When you try to install the sims 3 on your computer nothing comes up when you put in the disc how do you install it?

Try clicking on the Start button, clicking "Computer" or "My Computer", you should see the Sims 3 icon now, right-click & choose "Install or Run".

Can you install the same Sims 3 disc on two computers?

Yes. But every time you want to play it you need the disc. Also, if you have any expansion packs or stuff packs you can use that disc for one computer and the one without the expansion/stuff pack with the original Sims 3 disc (I've done it before)

How do you install sims 2 on Mac?

You need the Mac Sims 2 game, and then when you put into your computer, a little sims 2 disc will pop up. click on it. Then drag the Sims 2 app to your hard drive, and it will begin to install. Be sure you have the MAC disc or it will not work!

Can i play the Sims 3 Pets without a disc if i have Sims Showtime?

Yea you can because it worked for me but I think it's because of demon tools just install it and try it :)

Can you install Sims 3 expansons packs on original Sims 3?

well, you need to have the regular sims 3 disc installed already to play sims 3 world adventure, but u need the sims 3 world adventure disc to play that expansion pack. Unless you've downloaded it from the EA store, you don't get the disc and it still works, you pay with a credit card.