You can go to the Jenoa and click on the bubble pit which is at the bottom of the screen and then you can get your pet healed. Hope that helped =)
go to Jenoa and click on the healing bubble pit. there, you should be able to select which pet to heal. Pleon gives you random health back though, so if she doesnt heal you all the way, you can just keep going to her.
The Heckhound pet does not give a card. It can, however, possibly learn the Spritely talent which will randomly heal you. ****** Taryn Stormrider - Five Transcended wizards and counting
clean petgo to grooming table and put bandages on itleave for 5 days and it will be healed
They heal 21 Hp
There is no way to heal it unless you have a Splash Potion of Healing/Regeneration. Although there is a rumor that you can heal it by feeding it fish after you tame it.
A marapet is an on-line pet that you get once signing up. It doesn't cost any money and is really fun. Adults play too!
You click on a toy in your inventory and on the button menu you chose "use item". That's all you have to do. It also tells you how happy your pet is.
You can name your marapet based on its appearance, personality, or a name that you simply like. Consider choosing a name that is easy to remember and reflects the characteristics or traits of your marapet. Be creative and have fun with it!
your pet heals it energy by itself
Technically Yes.
You can cure your Marapet's cold by using a Box Of Tissues, which is available in the Medicine Shop at Puchalla Village. :]I do hope this answer will be some help to you.
Shake the pet untill megaman is fully healed
It regenerates with points i think
pet illness is a glitch, so there isn't really a way to heal it. it should heal itself in a few days
Go to shops and click on a food. Ex: Chocolate Shop Then, go to your inventory/items, click on the food item, and click on use item, and then choose the pet you want to feed.
go to the hotel and give it a vacation
A helpful website to find some of the Marapet avatars is or you could search 'Marapets avatar guide/help' in a search engine.