It's a DLC(Down-Loadable Content). You can download it thru XboxLive or PSN(I think). Or you can just buy The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition. It has all the three levels(Jedi Temple, Tatooine, Hoth), costumes, and other stuff.
either you have to buy it off playstation store or buy star wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition on ultimate sith edition hoth isn't the only level you get you alos get tatooine and jedi temple
The fist Force Unleashed took place in 3 BBY (3 years before the Battle of Yavin)
Star Wars the Force Unleashed is an action game for the Xbox. The game will not still autosave after you put in cheats.
Cortisis or something
either you have to buy it off playstation store or buy star wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition on ultimate sith edition hoth isn't the only level you get you alos get tatooine and jedi temple
Go to start a new game. Then choose what difficulty you want then you should have the option to choose The Force Unleashed, The Jedi Temple, Tatooine, or Hoth. Choose any of the ones besides The force Unleashed and that is the bonus level you play once you beat the level just repeat this process and choose a different level to play a different bonus level
You have to start a new game and you will have the option to play the campaign, the Hoth level, the Tatoonie level or the Jedi temple.
Well you need to get the Ultimate sith edition and then when you start a new game you should be able to choose if you want to play the Regular game, Tatoonie, or Hoth.
If you're talking about just TFU, the last level is Death Star(bosses are Darth Vader and Darth Sidious aka Emperor). But if you're talking about the Ultimate Sith Edition, the last level is Hoth(boss is Pilot Luke).
What about it?
he is not on that game
the force unleashed and the force unleashed 2
Level 3 Force Repulse.
you had to get the expansion pack by preordering the game.
All but the Wii version.