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1.get a membership. 2.get money buy playing games.3.go to the gift shop in the town. 4.find it in the catalog. on the BUY ITEM button.

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Q: How can you get ninja mask in Club Penguin?
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What is the ninja shadow on club penguin?

U either put on the ninja outfit and ninja mask and dance or put on the ninja outfit, ninja mask and cloud wave embracers and wave ( ninja mask not in ninja catalog ) .

Do the club penguin ninja items require membership?

the items in the catalouge require membership but all ninjas get the ninja mask Mnbvrulez

Do you have to be a member on Club Penguin to be a ninja?

No, you can earn the black belt and the ninja mask without being a member. That would make you a ninja, so you don't have to be a member to be a ninja

Whats code to be a ninja on Club Penguin?

it is: ninja there is no code to becoming a ninja on Club Penguin.

Can you be a ninja and a secret agent on Club Penguin?

Yes you can be a agent and a ninja on club penguin.

Where is the ninja hideout in club penguin 2013?

there is no ninja hideout in club penguin 2013

What do you do after you defeat sensei on Club Penguin?

after you defeat sensei you get your ninja mask. you are then free to explore the ninja hideout or if you are a member play card jitsu fire

How do use the cloud wave bracers in club penguin?

Get a ninja suit,wear it wear the ninja mask and the bracers and boosh!You are invisible some kinda way!

You are a ninja but you can t go in the hide out in club penguin?

you should be ablle to unless u didnt get the mask from beating the sensei

Is there a way of being a snow ninja on club penguin?

yes there is a way of being a ninja on club penguin

How do you get in the ninja hideout on Club Penguin if you are not a ninja?

You have to be a ninja to go into it. Hope you will be a ninja!

Is there such thing as a ninja suit in club penguin?

There was a ninja suit in Penguin Chat 3. It was easy to be a ninja then. Click on the black penguin and click N in Penguin.