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u can only do this w/ a day-care center u get 'em by putting a boy Pokemon & a girl Pokemon (the same Pokemon for each gendar)also the 2 Pokemon has 2 be on the last evolution(i used a graveler & it gave birth to 2 geodudes)

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Q: How can you get eggs in Pokemon?
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This is Pokemon. Not runescape. You can't get Easter eggs in Pokemon ;)

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No, you cannot sell eggs in Pokemon HeartGold.

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yes you make eggs in all Pokemon games

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talk to lots of people and they give you eggs

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You can't breed legendary Pokemon eggs on Pokemon SoulSilver or on any Pokemon game.

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no legendary Pokemon or genderless Pokemon can make eggs/breed. hope i help :)

How do you make Pokemon eggs hatch in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Just look for a Pokemon with flame body ability and then your eggs will hatch.

Where can you get eggs in Pokemon Diamond?

Your female pokemon,and your ditto and male can have eggs.You can get eggs at the pokemon day care in Soloceon town.

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You have to have sex with a pokemon....

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How can you get eggs in Pokemon GO?

Collect eggs at pokestops.