go to goldenrod and go in to every house and talk to every body. in one house u should find bill. have one spare spot in ur party and he gives u eevee. give eevee a thunder stone.
just get 3,000 pokelothon points
You cannot get an umbreon on Pokemon Yellow as they were only introduced in Pokemon Silver and Gold and from then on. You can only get Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon on Yellow.
Jolteon does not evolve, but to get a Jolteon you need a thunderstone to evolve an Eevee into Jolteon.
just get 3,000 pokelothon points
You cannot get an umbreon on Pokemon Yellow as they were only introduced in Pokemon Silver and Gold and from then on. You can only get Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon on Yellow.
Jolteon does not evolve, but to get a Jolteon you need a thunderstone to evolve an Eevee into Jolteon.
I don't have Gold version, but I think you mean Jolteon and you use a thunderstone on Evee. If there are no thunderstones in Gold then I don't know.
Pikachu to Raichi Eevee to Jolteon Shibibiru to Shibirudon (B&W)
Jolteon can't learn Spark on Pokemon FireRed.
no, only with another jolteon or ditto