You cannot get an umbreon on Pokemon Yellow as they were only introduced in Pokemon Silver and Gold and from then on. You can only get Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon on Yellow.
no it cannot it can only evolve into jolteon, vaporeon, and flareon. it is not until gold, silver, and crystal that you can get umbreon and espeon.
Umbreon is a Dark type pokemon.
well, umbreon can be a boy or girl. but in Pokemon rescues if you're an eevee and evolve into umbreon then it depends on your gender. in the Pokemon pearl and diamond there r mostly boys, well in my game.
on national pokedex its umbreon
You can get an umbreon by getting an eevee from bill in goldenrod city (in a house) and then you can evolve eevee into umbreon by making it happy and leveling it up at night time.
no it cannot it can only evolve into jolteon, vaporeon, and flareon. it is not until gold, silver, and crystal that you can get umbreon and espeon.
Umbreon is a Dark type pokemon.
Umbreon doesn't evolve!
Umbreon can only be gained from trading from Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Pokemon XD or Pokemon Collosseum.
Umbreon is in the ruins somewhere.
well, umbreon can be a boy or girl. but in Pokemon rescues if you're an eevee and evolve into umbreon then it depends on your gender. in the Pokemon pearl and diamond there r mostly boys, well in my game.
umbreon and espeon
umbreon definently
you start with an espeon and umbreon
on national pokedex its umbreon
You cannot get umbreon in firered you need to have ruby, sapphire or emerald give you one or take the one from Pokemon colosseum.