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When Marshamallon is face-down, and it is flipped by an attack, it has an effect that activates to deal the attacking player 1000 damage. This is a trigger, and Divine Wrath can be chained to it.

However if Marshmallon was flipped on a previous turn, then Divine Wrath cannot be used against his 'cannot be destroyed by battle' because it is continuous and does not activate.

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Q: How can you divine wrath marshmallon?
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Divine Wrath can be used against monster effects that activate. Marshmallon has an activated effect that deals damage, Man Eater Bug has an activated effect, as does Penguin Soldier. All can be stopped with Divine Wrath. Marshmallon also has a continuous effect that stops it being destroyed by battle, and Cyber Dragon has an inherent special summon effect. Neither of these activate, so Divine Wrath can't be used against them.

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Divine Wrath can only be used against activated effects - Obelisk has two activated effects, his destroy opposing monsters one, and the trigger that sends him to the graveyard on the turn he was special summoned. Divine Wrath can be used against either of these - note Divine Wrath does not target the monster, so Obelisk's protection effect won't stop it.

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Divine Wrath is a counter trap. When a monster's effect activates (therefore it cannot be used against an effect that does not 'activate') you can chain it by discarding one card. When Divine Wrath resolves, the monster's activation and effect is negated, and the monster is destroyed. The monster does not have to be in hand for Divine Wrath to be used, it can stop them no matter which zone they are in, as long as it is indeed an activated effect.

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All of his effects are Triggers, which are activated effects and use the chain. You can chain Divine Wrath to any of them, to negate and destroy him.

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Yes. It doesn't matter what zone the monster is in, Divine Wrath can be used against it as long as it 'activates'. It doesn't matter that Divine Wrath is unable to apply a destruction effect due to the monster being in the graveyard, that's not a condition of activation.

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You cannot use Divine Wrath against the initial activation because it is only a trap card at this point. However after it has resolved, it is now a trap and a monster, so if it activates its Ignition Effect, Divine Wrath can be used against it.

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You can find "Marshmallon" in the booster pack Duelist Pack Yugi.

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