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Yes, both effects will be negated.

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Q: Can Skill Drain negate all of Marshmallon's effects in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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Can Skill Drain negate both effects of Marshmallon if it was attacked while face-down in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, Skill Drain negates both effects of Marshmallon if it was attacked while face-down in Yu-Gi-Oh. The trap card's continuous effects apply during the damage step and cause Marshmallon to be destroyed by battle.

Does Skill Drain Work On Jinzo?

It depends on which is played first if u played skill drain before jinzo then jinzo cant negate traps but you cant activate skill drain after jinzo is summoned.

Can you activate a monster's effect perhaps to make use of its cost even though its effect will be negated by Skill Drain in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes. Skill Drain only negates resolutions. It does not prevent activations, nor is there any rule against activating an effect that the current game state will negate.

What traps work against Jinzo?

Really, only traps that negate his summon will work. That is because if his summon is negated, he never hits the field, and his continuous effect never 'switches on'.So Solemn Judgment, Horn of Heaven and Forced Back can all negate his summon. Note that since his effect is continuous and does not activate, you cannot use Divine Wrath or Gladiator Beast War Chariot.Secondly, if a Skill Drain is already active before he is summoned, when he hits the field, his trap negation effect will not switch on. Skill Drain will negate his effect, and other traps can be activated as normal.Lastly, his effect only works while he's on the field, so can be affected while he's in the hand, with cards like Trap Dustshoot.

Is a monster that is immune to spells and traps affected by Skill Drain?

Depends which was on the field first. If Skill Drain was already active, the monster's protective continuous effects will never become active.If the monster was on the field first and Skill Drain activated after, then since the monster is unaffected by traps, Skill Drain will not affect it.

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Douse skill drain negate the effect of stardust dragon?

No, it can't negate either of its effects. Skill Drain only negates a monster's resolution if the monster card is face-up on the field when it tries to resolve. With Stardust Dragon, its negation effect activates on the field but sends itself to the graveyard as a cost. Skill Drain can't touch it there. It's resummoning effect activates in the graveyard, so again, Skill Drain can't stop it.

When 'Skill Drain' is on the field does it also negate monster effects that say it is affected by nothing?

If a monster says it can't be targeted, then it will have its effects negated because Skill Drain does not target. If a monster says it is not affected by traps, then if it was already on the field before Skill Drain was activated, then it will be unaffected, its other effects will still work. If Skill Drain was already active before the monster is summoned, then the monster's continuous effect that grants it immunity, will itself be negated, as will any other of that monster's effects.

Can Skill Drain negate both effects of Marshmallon if it was attacked while face-down in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, Skill Drain negates both effects of Marshmallon if it was attacked while face-down in Yu-Gi-Oh. The trap card's continuous effects apply during the damage step and cause Marshmallon to be destroyed by battle.

Does Soul Drain negate most Dark World monsters' effects in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Many Dark World monsters activate in the graveyard. Soul Drain will prevent these monsters from activating, so if for example Goldd Wu-Lord of Dark World is discarded by an effect (either player's), it will not trigger.

Can skill drain negate handcuffs dragon's effect?

No, it can't affect Handcuff Dragon at all. It has two Triggered Effects that both activate in the graveyard, so are not negated by Skill Drain. Also the effect that lowers the ATK of the equipped monster, is applied while it is a Continuous Spell Card so again it is not affected.

Does Skill Drain Work On Jinzo?

It depends on which is played first if u played skill drain before jinzo then jinzo cant negate traps but you cant activate skill drain after jinzo is summoned.

How can you negate the effect Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor?

Skill Drain will negate its continuous effect. It can be used as Synchro Material if Skill Drain is active. Most Monster Effect negation cards will work when it activates its Ignition Effect. Divine Wrath can stop it, as can Solemn Warning, and Royal Oppression.

In Yugioh if use wicked rebirth on stardust dragon will wicked rebirth negate stardust effect?

No. Like other negation cards such as Skill Drain, Wicked Rebirth does not stop Stardust Dragon activating its effect. If Stardust activates, then it goes to the graveyard. That means it is no longer being targeted by Wicked Rebirth, so the effect will be able to resolve correctly.

Can Skill Drain prevent Malefic monsters from destroying themselves in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, Skill Drain will negate their continuous effect which destroys them if there is no active Field Spell Card.

If 'Arcana Force 0 - The Fool' is already on the field and using its second effect can 'Skill Drain' or 'Divine Wrath' be activated to destroy it?

Arcana Force 0 - The Fool's second effect only concerns effects that target him. It is continuous, so, Skill Drain will both negate The Fool's 'cannot be destroyed by battle' effect, and his own negation effect. He can be destroyed by battle now, and the opponent can target him without their effects being negated. Divine Wrath however has to chain to activated effects. Since both of these effects are continuous, Divine Wrath can do nothing at all.

What is a good deck recipe for a negate syncro deck?

Useskill drain tonegate the effect of the syncro monster.Its nearly impossible to negate the summoning other then trap hole,bottomless trap hole,etc. after skill drain use monster reborn(unbanned) to getsome high lv monsters out. have the advantage because syncro decks are based on effect

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yella acid drain