When you enter the ranch, there should be a sign in the top left corner that has a DS on it. Click it. It should tell you to turn on the Pearl game and, at the start menu click the Connect to Wii option. Make sure that you are not too close or too far. Give it enough time to connect.
No Hd can't be transfer to 3d, but the pokemon an be trade to that game though.
You can trade using two DS (ask a friend, family member) and put them in the two DS and connect.
It is possible, just have the two games running in a DS each and be close to each other, go underground and it should automatically detect each other and connect.
Chimchar is not obtainable in Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen. The game it is in (Such as; Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum.) is unable to connect to FireRed, unless migrating Pokemon from it, but Pokemon cannot be transferred into the Gameboy Advance games.
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
Hayley is a character in My Pokemon Ranch, not Pokemon Pearl.
Pokemon must first be transfered to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, then transferred from Diamond/Pearl to My Pokemon Ranch
Deposit 999 Pokemon into the ranch from pearl or diamond.
There is no Pokémon Ranch in pearl version because Pokémon Ranch is a separate game for the Wii.
No, only Diamond & Pearl; not even Platinum works on Ranch.
Import it from Diamond or Pearl.
If you get my pokemon ranch on the wii then transfer 999 pokemon onto it, hayley will give you a mew as the pokemon she brings to the ranch on that day. The pokemon ranch can also be used for an extra storage system for pokemon but only works with diamond and pearl.
no, unless you live in japan.
You can, but you need a copy of Pokemon diamond, pearl, Platinum.