

Best Answer

the water is a good source of electricity. banana can be easily pressed and can be broked as it has we get our psp charged

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Q: How can you charge a psp with banana?
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Related questions

Can you charge your psp without a charger?

How to charge your psp with a banana. and eat the banana afterwards might be a bit disusting. I don't know.

Can a banana be old when you are trying to charge a PSP?

no it is not possible unless there is a problem with my lead. not sure if its possible with a new banana either but will maybe experiment that one another day

Can you charge a PSP?

Yes you can charge a psp. Every packaged psp sold comes with a charger and battery.

Can you charger the psp charger with the banana?

its true

Can the PSP 1000 charger charge a PSP 2000?

Yes, the chargers for each model are the same. It can charge a PSP 2000 or a 3000, etc.

What is another way to charge your psp with out a charger?

Some firmwares allow the PSP to charge from a USB connection to a PC.

How do you charge the psp in the computer and how long does it take to charge?

Connect it via a USB port - the time taken to charge it - is dependent on the quality of the battery in the PSP.

Can you charge a PSP from a PS3?

A PS3 will charge any device that can charge from a USB port. This includes, but is not limited to: PSP, Ipod, and many cell phones.

How do you charge a PSP from a computer?

You plug the PSP into the computer using a USB cable.

Can you charge psp 1000 with usb?


How do you charge a dead psp?

by a charger

Will a PSP car adaptor kit allow you to charge your PSP, or just play using the car's power?

It will also charge the unit for you.