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You cannot capture Latias before defeating the Elite Four and the Champion. You will need to use the GameShark to do this. If you are playing Pokemon Ruby, then an Eon Ticket is required to capture her on Southern Island.

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Q: How can you catch latias before beating the elite four?
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What legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald can run away in battle and where can you catch latios or latias and can you catch them before beating the elite four?

only Latios and latias can flee from battles plus the randomly appear making them almost immpossible to catch. they can be caught beforew the elite four

Is it really true that you can get Latias when you defeated the elite four ten times and the man will ask you if what is your favorite coloris it really true?

You can catch latias anytime after beating the elite four in ruby, sapphire and emerald.

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the only way to catch mew is to defeat the elite four

On Pokemon emerald how do you get latias or latios?

after beating elite four randoom in wild.

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If you saw the news on latios/latias that means you have already defeated the elite four and now you can catch the latis, you can still beat the elite four if you want but for fun catch the latis then destroy the elite four with them.

Can you catch Zekrom before beating the elite four in Pokemon white?

No, you must defeat them first before the chance to catch Zekrom is given to you.

Do you have to beat the elite four twice before trying to catch thundeous in Pokemon white?

route 7 after beating the elite 4

On ruby which Pokemon do you get latias or latios?

From it seems Latias is wild in Hoenn after beating the Elite Four, and Latios can be found on Southern Island

Do you have to beat the elite four to catch Rayquaza in ruby?

Yes. You also cannot catch Superjesuslatios or latias without the elite 4.

When does latias move around?

latias moves around the hoenn after you beat the elite 4 plus after you beat the elite 4 you also get to try to catch rayquaza

Can you catch Kyogre before beating the elite 4 Pokemon emerald?

nope ive tried it did not work

What if you catch Palkia before you catch Dialga?

No, u have to beat the elite 4. unless u have cheats