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i think you have to trade for it

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Q: How can you catch Spiritomb in SoulSilver?
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Where can you catch a Spiritomb on SoulSilver?

You cannot catch a wild Spititomb in Soul Silver, but you can trade it to your game from either Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version.

Can you catch spirttomb in Pokemon heartgold or soulsilver?

You can get a Spiritomb in HG/SS by transferring it from the PokeWalker (Quiet Cave; 10,000+ steps).

What level is spiritomb when you catch it?

The Spiritomb in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum is level 25.

Where is spirtomb in soulsilver?

Spiritomb is not a wild pokemon on SoulSilver/HeartGold. It must be traded from another game-e.g. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.

Where do you find Spiritomb in soulsilver?

You can get in Quiet cave which takes like 100000 watts On the pokewalker

How could the SpeedGameres possibly catch Spiritomb in 72 hours?

easy, i caught spiritomb in 5 minutes

Can you catch Kyogre in SoulSilver?

No, you cannot catch Kyogre in "Pokémon SoulSilver."

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You can't catch bastiodon in Pokemon soulsilver.

How do you catch heatran on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You cannot catch Heatran in Pokémon SoulSilver, you will have to trade for it.

Can you catch phanpy in Pokemon SoulSilver?

No, you can not catch Phanpy in SoulSilver. It is a version exclusive to HeartGold.

Can you catch arcticuno in Pokemon SoulSilver?

catch it? no.

Where to catch Entei?

You can catch him in Soulsilver but he moves around.