You don't, it is used to catch spiritomb after meeting 36 people underground
The Crumbling Stone tower is used with the underground feature in platinum, to unlock Spiritomb, the dark\ghost type pokemon. You need the Odd keystone[needed to unlock the tower], google it if you dont alreayd have one. Then you need to go underground and talk to one of your friends 32 times[you can go in your base, out again, talk to the person, and repeat], once you do this, go to the crumbling stone, and interact with it. This triggers a battle with a spiritomb[i think its level 25]. Its worthwhile to catch, as it really has no weaknesses.
No you need to put the odd keystone in the crumbling tower, go underground talk to a friend 32 times (does not include explorers) and then go back up. talk to the crumbling tower just south of solaceon town and you get spiritomb.
You have to go to your home city in platinum surf go to the corners and press a and you should find a hidden keystone sothen you fly to the town where the pokemon daycare is and keep going down until you see a crumbling tower use the odd keystone go under groundtalk to ten people go back up press on the tower ando
Bell Tower a.k.a. tin tower,also means if you know how to get to tin tower you can get to bell tower
You don't unlock the hallowed tower but you can use it. I think you have to of beaten the elite four before you do this. If you talk to the karate guy to the left of Hearthrome City (Route 208), beside the honey tree, he will give you an odd keystone. Then if you go back to the tower and press A you will ba asked to place the keystone into the tower. Then you go underground and talk to 32 people (talking to shop owners doesn't count you need to have a friend to meet underground, you also can't ust keep talking to them, you have to go into your secret base, close the door, then come back out and talk again). Once you have done this go back to the tower and press A. Then a Spiritomb, at level 25, will appear. You can then catch, kill or run from it. Hope this helps. P.s The hallowed tower is south of Solaceon Town. If you go straight down then before you turn left to cross the water go right instead. It's right in the corner and if you go up to it without the keystone and press A it says "There is a broken, crumbling tower made of stone..."
go past hearthome city and go to the far east and there should be the crumbling tower
go underground when you get the national dex the try finding an odd key stone the click on the crumbling tower and it will ask you to put the odd key stone in then say yes.
"The hollowed tower" is referring to the crumbling pile of rocks south of Solaceon Town
yes but in diamond its a man
He should've already given you the odd keystone the 1st time you talked to him. After that put it in the crumbling tower on route 209. If you talk to enough people under ground by the Crumbling tower then you should be able to find Spiritomb by the Tower.
you get it by putting the key thingy in the tower near solceon city. then talk to people under ground 50 times and go to the tower (not the lost tower) the crumbling tower then spriritome will appear.
The Crumbling Stone tower is used with the underground feature in platinum, to unlock Spiritomb, the dark\ghost type pokemon. You need the Odd keystone[needed to unlock the tower], google it if you dont alreayd have one. Then you need to go underground and talk to one of your friends 32 times[you can go in your base, out again, talk to the person, and repeat], once you do this, go to the crumbling stone, and interact with it. This triggers a battle with a spiritomb[i think its level 25]. Its worthwhile to catch, as it really has no weaknesses.
just use the catch trainers code or if you don't have action replay go to the karate dud on 208 place the item the crumbling tower of rock go to the underground and talk to 30 time then back to the crumbling tower of rock.
The stone tower is located in route 209 when you enter cross thee bridges .Then go pass the jogger guys and then you go strait then the crumbling tower is strait ahead.sorry about miss spelled words:)
First put the rock that looks like it has a face into the crumbling tower south of solaceon town, then talk to someone, that isn't the explorers that give you stuff in exchange of spheres, 30 times. Next, go back above ground, talk to the crumbling tower, and there you go. P.S. MUST HAVE A FRIEND TO TALK WITH!!!
No, "crumbling" is not an adverb.The word "crumbling is a noun and a verb.
Is crumbling roof an adjective?crumbling is an adjective roof is a noun.