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PS2 SVR Game Discs are not expensive when "used" just replace the disc and take better care of the next one. Few home remedies work and if you take the disc for professional cleaning and polishing it still might not work and you'll only be spending the money you could have used to replace the disc. If a Product is sold on amazon you can review how well it works if you find something you are thinking about purchasing a product for removing scratches and some have favorable reviews by about half the reviewers and no product stands out

You fix discs by using a kit with a series of abrasives, from course to light, to wear down scratches - step by step - to a smooth finish. Professional systems use multiple abrasives, consisting of different hardness and shapes (sharp to smooth).

Regardless of product or system used, the key is to use a series of abrasives (more than one stage) to gradually bring the plastic back to a polished surface.

If you want to remove all scratches on your disc, take a look at the 5-stage Scratch Pro repair kit. It will bring the disc back to its original shine and you will have a kit on hand to fix the next disc.

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Q: How can i take scratches off my smackdown vs raw ps2 game i tried toothpaste but it still works the same?
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How do you make a ps2 disk work when scratched up? will professionally refinish your disc for $2 bucks. You can use disk cleaning spray, or take it down to a game shop and ask them to clean it for you. Toothpaste! Toothpaste DOES in fact, WORK! You'd be surprised at how well this common household gel will buff out scratches on your beloved game. However, this process may take awhile All you need is toothpaste (With baking soda, as it helps to "sand" out the scratches) and some Q-tips. I would start out with putting the toothpaste in a small cup, then getting comfortable. (again this process takes some time) apply the toothpaste to your Q-tip and start at the outer edge of the CD. Slowly apply it in small circles in towards the inner edge of the disk. Do this until you've covered the entire CD. As soon as you feel that you've applied it enough, rinse it under water. I would rinse it twice, just to make sure that you haven't left any toothpaste on the CD. Let it air dry, so you don't end up adding more scratches to it. The results are quite visible to, I was astonished when I first tried it and noticed that the majority of scratches were completely gone.

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I've been told that if you spray a little furniture polish like pledge and wipe it dry with a t-shirt it will fill in the scratches and stop most of the skips. It works on small scratches but if the scratches are really bad, nothing that I've tried of will stop it. I've been told that if you spray a little furniture polish like pledge and wipe it dry with a t-shirt it will fill in the scratches and stop most of the skips. It works on small scratches but if the scratches are really bad, nothing that I've tried of will stop it.

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i have heard and tried many of the things ppl say to get your vote such as toothpaste there really is no way to get scratches out of a CD but u can do the blockbuster scam. the blockbuster scam consist of getting a game that doesnt work putting pine soil on it and make it look clean then rent a game from blockbuster peel the thin layer of plastic off and put in on the old one and and sell the blockbuster one i tried it once and it worked.

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