

Best Answer

You will be needing hell of a luck, you can get those scrolls by random , or by transmuting items

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Q: How can get the option scroll max crit rate in cabal?
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What ball shoild you use on Rotom?

Well, I would prefer Ultra Balls because they have a good catch rate. Dusk Balls would work well if you tried to catch it at night, too. You can try any suitable Poke Ball also, such as a Timer Ball. For more information on how much the catch rate is for every ball, go to scroll down to see all the balls and their catch rate.-Hope this helped!

How can you catch a chansey in Pokemon FireRed?

Use safari ballsChansey is a rare pokemon that can be found in the Safari Zone specifically in the Central Area Zone. Once found the best strategy is to immediately attempt capturing it as the rate of it running away is very high and the rate of it staying if you throw bait is very low so this is the best option.

What is mews catch rate?

45, same as Larvitar's catch rate.

Pokemon diamond 100 percent catch rate?

The only pokémon with a catch rate of 100 are Kadabra and Spiritomb. The highest catch rate is 255, the lowest 3.

Where do you get scrolls in AdventureQuest Worlds?

Type in the chat bar /join trainers and click send you will see 1 guy and 3 girls the guy is the warrior trainer(gives warrior scrolls),the white girl is the healer trainer(gives healer scrolls),the girl with black body and red outfit is the mage trainer(gives mage scrolls),and the last girl is the rogue trainer(gives rogue scrolls)and type these 2 for other 2 trainers /join yulgar and send go up stairs and enter in the left door there you find lucky scrolls(increases crit rate) and /join dwakel for hybrid scrolls(mage and warrior scrolls fused)

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Which class is the best on cabal?

it doesn't exist the best class on cabal dude .. depends just the player ho control it just try all classes and play on the one u like it on + and - they ar like : *on fa (force archer) and wiz (wizard) : they have good atack but low def + they can atack from distance *fs (force sheielder) and WA (warrior) : they have good def and good crit (fs) but atack isn't very good *bl (blader) : not rlly good def and atack but hit fast =D *fb (force blader) : good atack but low def >> so gl on finding the right char << for PvP, it is generally said that Blader is one of the best, as it has high crit rate and speed. For PvE, any class is good, but Force shielder is good defence

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Go to the app you want to rate and then click it then scroll down to the bottom then click the rate box.

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See: and scroll to the appropriate area.

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what is your option in buying a used car and suddenly the dealer called you and they said they can not get the rate they have told you?

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One option is the word birthrate.

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Option ARM vs. Fixed Rate Mortgage A fixed rate mortgage has the same payment for the entire term of the loan. The Option ARM uses a low initial rate to calculate your initial minimum monthly payment. Although the interest rate will increase after 1 to 3 months, your low payment will remain fixed for the entire year. This can produce a much lower monthly payment than a traditional fixed rate mortgage, or even an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM).

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Another option would be Education

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