Bowling is not an option on Wii Fit. However, on Wii Sports (and Wii Sports Resort), you get a strike as you normally would in real life bowling.
That shiney ball in Wii bowling is actually a privelege. If you are in the pro level on Wii bowling, then you will get the sparkles. If your pro level goes under the pro limit, then the sparkles go away. In other words, you have to earn the sparkle ball.
You type in How to get wii points free and you'll have to fill out some stuff and you'll have 2000 Wii points
Wii Points are used in the Wii Shop Channel to buy and download games that either were on another older game console, such as the NES, or small games recently made only for the Wii, called WiiWare. Wii Sports is not connected to the Wii Shop Channel, so you cannot earn them from the game. To get Wii Points, you need to either buy a Wii Points Card at a store and enter the code on the Wii Shop Channel, or enter your credit card number to buy Wii Points immediately.
You don't really EARN them. See, you have to buy Wii Points with your Credit Card. Try it!!
The same way as in a bowling alley.
A strike is worth 10 points plus your next to points
I THINK that someone can give it as a gift to you. The only other way is for someone to got to a store, get a wii points card and give it to you
Yeah, all you have to do is stop being a pro get your points to drop under 1000p and they will go.
Nothing at all you stay a pro nothing more.
The same as regular bowling, spares give you 10 points, strikes give you 20 points, and for your Mii pro status evertime you beat your own high score your almost guaranteed to get at least 100 skill points.
Bowling is not an option on Wii Fit. However, on Wii Sports (and Wii Sports Resort), you get a strike as you normally would in real life bowling.
Yes, bowling is one of the games on Sports Resort for the Nintendo Wii.
You cant get Wii Points on Wii Sports
no unless u buy a special pack
More than likly the bowling activity was not made using the same code so what is considered a strike zone in Wii Sports is larger then that of resort. PRobally a diffrent programer or the programer didnt copy and paste the lines of code for the bowling.
Maybe People practice for bowling from Fun Bowling game,playstation2,wii sports or go to bowling alley.