no it is in white it isn't exactly like soul silver or heart gold were you could catch them both though there is a strong dragon that you can catch called kyurem
pokerus is actually a plant on all Pokemon games after crystal. The plants' spores attach themselves to wild Pokemon. When you run into the Pokemon, sometimes the spores will rub off on your Pokemon. When this happens, your Pokemon will grow really well. Even Pokemon in gold,silver, and crystal could catch the pokerus.
The only way you can obtain a Chimchar in Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver is through a trade. Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum are the easiest ways to get one. If this is not an option for you, you could always try the GTS in Goldenrod and hope someone gives a sane offer. But there is no way to catch one yourself. Sorry.
cant get it as a tm, but you could catch it from one of the wild pokemon
You could get a shiny Pokemon for crystal but you need luck to catch one ("_")
B1F of the Union Cave on Friday.
well what i did, was i got masterballs from another game and used it on the LEGENDARY pokemon. but you could fight them i guess...
One of the last things to do is battle Red at Mt. Silver. You can also try to catch the legendary bird Pokemon throughout Kanto. You could also catch the legendary dog Pokemon throughout Johto and Kanto.
You can't. Unless you have a cheat. Or you could use the special event on the wi-fi.
Sadly you cannot catch rotom on the game however you could tade it from diamond, pearl or platinum
no it is in white it isn't exactly like soul silver or heart gold were you could catch them both though there is a strong dragon that you can catch called kyurem
In the Pokémon games it is not possible to catch a Totodile in the wild. You can get him at the start of Gold and Silver versions.
you can not use a apricorn to get the gs ball but i wish you could because i want to catch ceiliby
I wish you could because i really wanna catch celebi, mew, deoxys, and jarachi and arcues
You can only get spinirak in heart gold so you would have to trade with someone who has heart gold.... it may be in the safari on soul silver but i dount it.... or you could global trade for it
Depends if your talking about pokemon or not. If your asking about the product it was used as currency (money). If your talking about pokemon, then it was almost like the newer version except you didnt go to Kanto. Or be able to catch all the legendary. You could only catch Lugia.
pokerus is actually a plant on all Pokemon games after crystal. The plants' spores attach themselves to wild Pokemon. When you run into the Pokemon, sometimes the spores will rub off on your Pokemon. When this happens, your Pokemon will grow really well. Even Pokemon in gold,silver, and crystal could catch the pokerus.