no it is in white it isn't exactly like soul silver or heart gold were you could catch them both though there is a strong dragon that you can catch called kyurem
The Relocator only lets you transfer Celebi and the 3 'crown' legendary beasts. But later in the game, the PokeTransfer lab lets you transfer any pokemon.
no its black
to catch zapdos in pokemon black you have to have every legendary pokemon
The password can vary between 2202, 7707, 9909, or the names of the legendary pokemon in black and white 2. Have fun. Pokemon black and white 2 is a great game.
No, there are no legendary Pokemon there, just a rare item.
2 things there is more than 3 legendary Pokemon in the game and nothing is "unlocked" in the game if that is what you are asking
You have to get the end of the game and find the end place where the legendary Pokemon is waiting and you catch it with the master ball you were given earlier in the game
The legendary of Pokemon Black ( Reshiram )
Zecron and reasharam
The legendary Pokémon is Zekrom. But there is a form of Kyurem that has a part of Zekrom in it, in which you can find later in the game.
unless you get a hacked or modded game then no game has your desired legendary-only pokemon.
The legendary Pokémon is Zekrom. But there is a form of Kyurem that has a part of Zekrom in it, in which you can find later in the game.
There are multiple legendary pokemon. But there isn't one that the game focuses on.
You have to defeat the elite four then you can catch the legendary
No legendary Pokemon in history can breed. GENDER OR NOT!
Zekrom in Pokemon White and Resharim in Pokemon Black.
The Relocator only lets you transfer Celebi and the 3 'crown' legendary beasts. But later in the game, the PokeTransfer lab lets you transfer any pokemon.